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There's a variety of Rensselaer Park Elementary School After-School Clubs in 2024-2025 designed to enrich students' learning experience and provide opportunities for social and personal growth. From sports and arts to STEM and dance, there’s something for every student to enjoy. See all of Rensselaer Park's 2024-2025 After-School Clubs here.

2024-2025 After School Club Permission Forms have been sent to RPES families through ParentSquare. Be sure to submit the permission slip by Thursday, October 10, 2024, so we can finalize club rosters. You may pick more than one after-school club.

Once permission slips are submitted, club advisors will contact families to let them know if their student will be participating in a club and the start/end date.

Submitting a permission slip does not mean students are automatically enrolled in an after-school club. Please wait to hear from club advisors to see if your student is enrolled. Questions about specific clubs should be directed to club advisors listed on the form linked above.