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Knickerbacker Middle School's Snow Ball Dance is on Thursday, January 23, 2025, in the KMS Gym from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Tickets for the Snowball Dance

Tickets can be purchased for $3 in advance during the week of the dance from any of the following teachers: Mrs. Kilmer, Ms. Jerry, Ms. Bodmer,  Ms. Bouchard, Mrs. Spencer, Ms. Washock and Ms. Walkuski. Tickets can also be bought at the door for $5.

Make sure to bring extra money for concessions. Pizza and other food items will be available ranging from $.50 to $1.00.

Student Guidelines for Attending

KMS students must be in good standing for the month to attend. This means they must meet the following guidelines since the start of January:

  • No more than one disciplinary referral
  • No suspensions
  • No more than 3 times in the Turnaround Room
2025 Middle School Snow Ball Dance Flyer