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Special Education

Lansingburgh School District Special Education

Students with special needs will be educated to the greatest extent possible alongside their peers. Instruction will take place in their home school district buildings, or as close as possible, and include all special education services each child needs to be successful. Individualized programs will be developed which allow for varied learning styles/approaches and will be adjusted to meet a student's needs. Efforts will be made to optimize special education programs within the physical capabilities and fiscal realities of the district. 

Special Education Staff

Name Title E-mail Phone
Shaun Paolino Director of Pupil Personnel (518)233-6850 x32200
Erinne Flanigan CSE Chairperson, 3-12 (518)233-6850 x32206
Lynne Dolan CPSE and CSE Secretary (518)233-6850 x32242
Tiffany Ainsworth CPSE/CSE Chairperson, K-2 (includes Pre-K) (518) 233-6850 x33417


Special Education Information and Guides

New York State Special Education Procedural Safeguards Notice (Ages 3-21)
Rights for Parents of Children with Disabilities (Ages 3-21)