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Pre-K Programs

2025-2026 Pre-Kindergarten Registration

Online registration will open at 9:00 AM on March 3, 2025, for Lansingburgh's 2025-2026 School Year Pre-Kindergarten Programs:

  • 3-Year-Old Expanded Pre-Kindergarten Program (EPK3)
  • 4-Year-Old Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program (UPK4) 

How to Register for Pre-K Programs

All Lansingburgh student registration is done online using Arbiter Registration (formerly FamilyID). You will need to create an Arbiter account if you do not already have one.

2025-2026 Pre-K Registration opens at 9:00 AM on Monday, March 3, 2025, at the link below. If needed, you can find registration instructions here. Students currently enrolled in Lansingburgh's EPK3 or UPK4 program, do not need to be re-registered for the 2025-2026 School Year.

4-Year-Old Universal Pre-K (UPK4)

  • Universal Pre-K (UPK4) is a full school day program open to children living in the Lansingburgh Central School District who will be age 4 on or before December 1, 2025.
  • Should the number of students enrolled by the end of the registration period exceed the allotted slots at Turnpike Elementary, the district will go to a lottery system. Those students not chosen through the lottery system will be placed on a waiting list and notified if spots become available.

3-Year-Old Expanded Pre-K (EPK3)

  • Expanded Pre-Kindergarten (EPK3) runs from 8:30 AM-1:30 PM and is open to children living in the Lansingburgh Central School District who will be age 3 on or before December 1, 2025.
  • EPK3 program spots are extremely limited. Should the number of students enrolled by the end of the registration period exceed the allotted slots at Turnpike Elementary, the district will go to a lottery system. Those students not chosen through the lottery system will be placed on a waiting list and notified if spots become available.

Required Registration Documents

  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Residency (Mortgage Statement or Lease Agreement and a Utility Bill dated within 30 days of residing in the district with the parent/guardian’s name on it)
  • A copy of your recently issued driver’s license or photo ID
  • Current immunization records
  • Most recent physical examination signed by a doctor
  • If the student is a Student With a Disability, provide an IEP/504 Plan
  • Proof of custody if requested or DSS-2999 form if a foster child


Please contact Tammy Fruscio by phone (518-233-6825) or by email ( if you have any questions about Lansingburgh's Pre-K Programs.