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Counseling Center Home

Lansingburgh School District Counseling

The School Counselor provides both individual and group counseling for academic support, social and emotional development and career awareness.  At each grading quarter, students having academic difficulty will meet with their counselor to discuss strategies for improvement. Counselors may, at times, contact parents and teachers for a conference in order to discuss academic and/or behavior plans. Students will receive a pre-signed pass for any appointments to the Guidance Office. Students are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with their respective counselor to discuss their particular need. Emergency counseling is available with a telephone call from a teacher or from an administrator. A student may also be referred to the School Psychologist when warranted and parents will be contacted. The Counselor is the student's advocate and is available to assist both the child and the parent in obtaining a successful resolution of difficulties, that face a middle school-age child. They collaborate and plan with all adults in the building, who may include the Nurse, the School Psychologist, the Administrators, Teachers and other Support Staff, to assure your child's success. Parent's may contact their child's counselor if they would like an intervention or counseling support.

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